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M-100 Events

Techno Classica 2017 in Essen, Germany
Martin L

I'm planning to attend this year. Arriving 4th April and leaving 8th of April, staying at the Holiday Inn Essen Centre.

Anyone else planning to go?

300SEL 6.3 #6481
560SEL #435064 300HP Full hydro suspension
300SEL M189 #1296
Jack English
Martin, I have never attended but I would love to go. Must think about this and negotiate at home.

Jack English
300SEL 6.3 #4768
Martin L
Jack, it would be great to see you there! I think you would throughly enjoy it, there is just so much to see. I'm sure Teri will approve [:)]

300SEL 6.3 #6481
560SEL #435064 300HP Full hydro suspension
300SEL M189 #1296
Maybe book a refundable airfare and accommodation and start negotiations at the eleventh hour, it is always easier to beg forgiveness than ask for permission in the first place. [;)] [:)][:)][:)]

6.3 #2723, my first classic Benz
3.5 #8659, my second.
2 to go...
we are going again as usual and have already booked, i think is my 16th or 17th time, we are staying in dusseldorf as the hotels are a lot cheaper than essen, and the hotel includes free travelling on the train and underground, we will be at the show on friday, and saturday, there is also about 100 english members of the mercedes club who are regulars as well, i will be calling in for a coffee with felix [jack daniel] on the 600 stand upstairs, see you all there

just one 600 is enough at the moment, [now it's got to two]
I'm in! Driving from UK again (If that's still allowed).

I'll be there Wed 5th through Sat 8th, so hope to see you there.
We will probably welcome anybody from anywhere in the world![:D]

300 SEL 6.3 3478+5327
if you do come to the event, i am sure felix will make you welcome on the 600 stand

just one 600 is enough at the moment, [now it's got to two]
We've discussed having a booth there as we once did, in order to attract members and Felix if I recall correctly offered to carry some of our PR in his booth...

Chris L - take the lead and get with Felix to discuss, please? If I don't hear back from you shortly, I'll send an email to you and he this week. Also, let us know how much it would cost to have our own booth or share with Felix, depending on what those of you attending think after seeing the layout and experiencing the event.

I'd like to see a recommendation pro or con, then budget for it if deemed worthwhile.

Francis E. Abate
For the first time in three years I will be there...

See you on Wednesday, Martin...
Martin L
Looking forward to it Albert!

300SEL 6.3 #6481
560SEL #435064 300HP Full hydro suspension
300SEL M189 #1296
Jack English
Sorry I will miss it although my Mrs. had encouraged my attendance. Too many other activities and my German is terrible.

Jack English
300SEL 6.3 #4768
Martin L
There is always next year Jack.

300SEL 6.3 #6481
560SEL #435064 300HP Full hydro suspension
300SEL M189 #1296
Originally posted by abl567

Maybe book a refundable airfare and accommodation and start negotiations at the eleventh hour, it is always easier to beg forgiveness than ask for permission in the first place. [;)] [:)][:)][:)]

Didn't work this time, maybe next year[B)]

6.3 #2723, my first classic Benz
3.5 #8659, my second.
2 to go...

6.3 #2723, my first classic Benz
3.5 #8659, my second.
2 to go...
Jack English
Not needed; she wanted me to go.

Jack English
300SEL 6.3 #4768
I meant for me Jack, the tactic failed me[:(]

6.3 #2723, my first classic Benz
3.5 #8659, my second.
2 to go...
I have visited couple of times in a stand where there have been 450 SEL 6.9 cars, perhaps it was a local club? Anyhow I will be coming for the fourth consecutive times, my first time was 2010.

Can anyone bring me a US-model 6.9 headlight back cover that I could buy [:D]

Kari Pykäläinen

1971 300 SEL 6.3 #5581
1980 450 SEL 6.9 #7201
1987 560 SEC
1992 500 E
2000 G500
are they different to euro models,

just one 600 is enough at the moment, [now it's got to two]
Originally posted by retrodave111

are they different to euro models

Yes they are; I learned that, here is a picture:

Kari Pykäläinen

1971 300 SEL 6.3 #5581
1980 450 SEL 6.9 #7201
1987 560 SEC
1992 500 E
2000 G500
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