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General Discussions

Membership Dues Notification
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Dear Valued International M100 Group Member;

In order to make dues notification and renewal notices easier, we will alert you for payment every year on 1 November. We hope you find this acceptable. The plan is to place a notice on the message board, as well as send out a bulk email to all financially active members. In the event that you recently paid and therefore have nothing due for at least another year, please reply and let us know for our record keeping. While we are doing our best to keep track of this as well, we ask for your patience while we refine the new process.

Anthony Long will provide notification directly to those members down under and once a new secretary is elected to replace me, this US based officer will notify all other members.

Please remit payment by 1 January - you will find Paypal and mailing of payments information on the "join" link of the home page.

Thank your for membership and support!

your President, on behalf of the Board of Directors

Francis E. Abate
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